Can you please check the digital signature of the Rufus executable you downloaded (right click -> Properties -> Digital Signatures). I have checked with WireShark that the executable I put online (and which is digitally signed) does not deliberatly connect to port 137 (and after multiple tries, I definitely saw no evidence of that in WireShark), so I would like to know: It is also possible that Windows will try to connect to the internet when it checks the validity of the code signing certificate (but I don't expect NetBIOS to be used to do that, unless Windows first searches for the certificate revocation server on the local network and then on the internet). However, if you try to open an ISO, Rufus will use the regular file selection dialog that will try to list network drives, and I believe NetBIOS is what Windows uses to query network drives. There is nothing in the code that makes it connect to port 137.

Now, Rufus only connects to the internet, if the user chooses so, to check for updates, and will do so through HTTP (port 80). Sadly I don't speak Dutch, but I'll do my best to address them. Please never be afraid to open an issue in the github issue tracker if you think there is an issue.
#Windows 10 rufus download update

Rufus is een Windows-programma waarmee zelfstartende usb-sticks kunnen worden gemaakt.