The English word Christmas derives from the old English Christes maesse, meaning. In the Christian religion, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ by the virgin Mary, which is observed on December 25 by Roman Catholics and Protestants. If you don't want to use the verses from the Bible, you can also express your love towards God on the tag. Christmas is a Christian holy day that marks the birth of Jesus, the son of God. Due to the size of the gift tag that is usually small, you can choose short verses so it can fit perfectly to the tag. You can write a different verse for different tags. By saying using some verses, doesn't mean that you need to include some verses into one tag.
There is no specific rule on what to write in a Christmas gift tag, but if you want to bring up the religious side of it, you can write some verses from the bible to the tags. Feel free to use this Christmas clip art all you want for craft projects, scrapbooks, school projects, stationery, websites or blogs, or other personal uses, as long as you attribute this article by providing a link to this page (for web-based use) or including a citation (for print-based use). Choose from hundreds of original templates to personalize both printable cards and eCards for holidays, birthdays, and more. What to Write in a Christian Christmas Gift Tags? With your membership you not only receive Christian Christmas graphics, you also get access to our massive library of over 40,000 Christian graphics, illustrations, clip-art images, photos, cartoons, bulletin covers and PowerPoint backgrounds that makes preparations for all your. It is perfect to use for religious people. Find thousands of images including Christian Christmas Graphics. Some of it also corporate some religious quotes and sayings as well as verses from the bible. Usually, some of the gift tags have Christian illustrations such as the cross, the church, mother Mary, and so on. The gift tags can incorporate some Christian theme design but it's not always the case. Christian Christmas gift tags are gift tags used by Christians to label their gifts during Christmas.